Tag: twitter

March 17, 2019 | Advertising, Industry, Featured

10 tips for democratizing your marketing plan

[Note: this article first appeared in BHM BIZ] Marketing used to be monologue. To buy or not to buy. That was the question. Brands spoke to their audiences through media with which we are all familiar – television, radio, print, billboards, etc. But that’s all changed. With the advent of social media and electronically shared… Read More

August 2, 2011 | Interactive, Hot Stuff

Google+: One More Tool in Your Social Toolbox

For starters, get your head around the fact that all of these social networking sites are tools. They may be tools for your social life – meaning: how you connect with your friends, how you invite them to parties, how you stay in touch with what’s happening in your social element. [Facebook rocks here.] They… Read More
