Tag: Marketing and Advertising
President John F. Kennedy is often credited for popularizing the phrase, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” It’s a notion that was largely true during the postwar economy of the 50s and 60s. But staying afloat and making headway in the age of light speed information – much less returning to port with a boatload… Read More
[Note: this article first appeared in BHM BIZ] I teach an advertising writing class as an adjunct professor at the University of Alabama. The other day, one of my students pointed to the screen of her laptop and asked, “Can we talk about this?!” I looked over her shoulder. She had pulled up Facebook’s summation… Read More
[Note: this article first appeared in BHM BIZ] Marketing used to be monologue. To buy or not to buy. That was the question. Brands spoke to their audiences through media with which we are all familiar – television, radio, print, billboards, etc. But that’s all changed. With the advent of social media and electronically shared… Read More